WACSOF Nigeria Calls For Reform

Statement of Concerned Members of West Africa Civil Society Forum – Nigeria Platform (CM – WACSOF Nigeria) at the Meeting Held at Eden Garden, Abuja Nigeria on Saturday 16th March, 2024

1) Concerned Members of WACSOF Nigeria converged and discussed the state of affairs of our Forum under the present leadership of Dr. Sanwo David. Members unanimously agreed on the following:

a) That the interference by Dr. Sanwo David (in the name of WACSOF Nigeria) with the employer-employee relations between the Regional EXCO and one of its employees and all matters connected therewith, is tortuous and does not reflect the wishes, aspirations and collective interest of WACSOF Nigeria

b) That the ill-articulated, unjustifiable and ill-fated recall process against our Member currently representing Nigeria at the Regional EXCO, constitutes an abuse of power for which Dr. Sanwo David is liable, and for which he owes the Nigeria Forum a duty of accountability

c) That the persistent systemic alienation, discrimination, exclusion and violation of the rights of civil societies and members of WACSOF Nigeria under the leadership of Dr. Sanwo David is contrary to statutes, convention, precedence and public policy

d) That Dr. Sanwo David’s failure as the National Coordinator to organize mandate programmes and provide member services, is persistent and constitutes a charge of ineffectiveness, for which the EXCO under his leadership may be liable upon the completion of a probe

e) That the intention, directives and action of Dr. Sanwo David to limit WACSOF Nigeria’s membership to just a handful organisations is elitist, restrictive and contrary to the ideals, established standards and best practices typical of civil society coalitions, and repugnant to natural justice; and for which he will be personally liable

f) That the articulated infractions (a to e) listed above constitutes acts for which accountability is required for the purpose of strengthening institutional reforms, ensuring the best interest of members is served, preventing further abuse, preserving equal opportunity for all members and protecting the sanctity and integrity of the Nigerian platform.

2) Members also agreed that an alternative WhatsApp platform be created for the purpose of providing civil and safe spaces for members free association and expression towards the promotion of justice, equality and common good for WACSOF Nigeria.

3) Pursuant to all above, the WACSOF Nigeria Accountability WhatsApp Group has been created and available at this link. Members are encouraged to join and send send a message with relevant details to 08127369971 for proper recognition and country mapping. Going forward useful member services are being developed and curated as part of membership benefits.

4) Furthermore, we urge all members of the civil society community to refrain from participating in or supporting acts detrimental to the cause of natural justice and just cause; and we reaffirm our commitment to fostering an environment of mutual respect, cooperation, and transparency within our civil societies.

Comrade Samuel Olusegun Odebowale
Secretary, Steering Committee
CM – WACSOF Nigeria