The Social Enterprise Consortium™ (TSEC) was created as a joint IOYAD-OceanSpring programme to cater for the needs of social enterprises in Nigeria and across Sub-Saharan Africa. The programme is the eventual outcome of our participation in an incubation project sponsored by Mara Foundation in 2015. QBWA’s Shimite Katung and CSR-in-Action’s Bekeme Masade were among our facilitators.

TSEC was created to address the persistent problem of information access and low utilization among social enterprises in Nigeria. Several organisations (such as Access and Fidelity Banks, Dangote and Bua, MTN and Glo, Seplat and OANDO, Lagos and Kebbi States among others) are doing great works in their little corners with no viable means of sharing experiences and organising stakeholders for wider effective impact. This effectively curtails progress and diminishes the value of what they do. Our job is to scale up those goodness nationally for better effect.

A key part of our competitive advantage is our understanding of how to create shared values for diverse parties and stakeholders. Our proprietary technology and media assets gives us the muscle and capability to initiate, activate, direct and deliver efficiently with iron-clad guarantees in a way only imagined by other service providers in Nigeria. We are veterans and leaders in the civil society spaces with native access to critical networks. As chartered public relations practitioners, our direct involvement automatically qualifies projects for relevant statutory compliance.

We understand the need to be more resourceful in creating frontline affirmative action and backend support initiatives in aid of indigenous businesses and Nigerian transnational corporations. We also understand the need to improve awareness and promote action on common issues of sustainability locally. Our development approach to sustainability reporting incorporates these elements in a way stakeholders have found reassuring and satisfying over the last decade. We have grown beyond subsistence, and we are presently opening our practice and positioning as a systemically important pan-African Corporation with grassroot linkages across target markets.

We are the private sector driven Sustainable Development Agency building on the need for sustainability reporting promotion, developing roadmaps for development financing, and creating Africa’s biggest and most successful engagement marketing platform. We are committed to ensuring universal service provision and access for millions of people everyday.