CEO Talks About OceanSpring Social Enterprise Plans

OceanSpring Social Enterprise is expanding its coverage footprints across Africa. In this interview with SENS Crew Joshua Luthanga, Mariah Posner and Dauda Kareem, Editor-in-Chief Samuel Odebowale addressed some business and operational issues last week in Abuja. Here is an excerpt as edited by Melinda Scott…   SENS: OceanSpring implements a corporate philosophy. What is it about? The experience has been […]

Harnessing Social Enterprise for National Development

Promoting social enterprises can play a significant role in driving sustainable development in Nigeria by addressing social, economic, and environmental challenges while fostering inclusive growth. Social enterprise promotion can be leveraged for development in Nigeria in the following ways: Addressing Social Issues: Social enterprises can tackle pressing social issues such as poverty, unemployment, healthcare, education, and gender inequality. By providing […]

A Catalyst for Positive Change

Nigeria, a country brimming with potentials and vibrant energy, is on the brink of a transformative movement. Today, we are thrilled to announce the launch of Social Enterprise Nigeria, a groundbreaking initiative poised to revolutionize the landscape of social impact and entrepreneurial innovation across the nation. At its core, Social Enterprise Nigeria embodies the spirit of ingenuity and compassion, leveraging […]